OncoGxOne™ Discovery Cancer Panels

GENEWIZ OncoGxOne™ Discovery cancer panels provide comprehensive genomic analysis for cancer research, biomarker discovery, and patient stratification. Designed and developed with the most recent research data available, these assays provide thorough assessments on cancer genes of interest. 

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Cancer mechanism studies, such as identifying novel driving mutations
Cancer therapeutic target discovery
Cancer biomarker discovery
Patient stratification
Personalized cancer treatment

Features & Benefits

19 cancer-type specific panels

Each panel assays a range of 150-400 tumor-specific genes, providing flexibility of adding or subtracting genes of your liking

Panels target full exonic and UTR regions, as well as select intronic regions implicated in breakpoints

Designed and verified to provide thorough coverage of specific cancer loci of interest

Ability to detect all types of genomic aberrations, including SNPs, INDELS, rearrangements, and CNVs

Extremely high depth of coverage to detect common and rare mutations

Very low input DNA requirement

Sequencing compatibility with FFPE samples

Customizability of cancer panels to add additional genes of interest

Complete solution, from project design through custom data analysis

Fast turnaround time with expedited options available

Cancer Types Assayed by GENEWIZ OncoGxOne™ Discovery Panels*

  • Bladder Cancer
  • Brain Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Colorectal Cancer
  • Endometrial Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Melanoma
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Thyroid Cancer

*Development of assays for other cancer types with flexibility to add or subtract genes from premade panels available upon request.

Cancer Panel Comparison

Azenta Pan-Cancer Pane GENEWIZ OncoGxOneTM
Discovery Cancer Panels
Illumina TruSeq©
Amplicon Cancer Panel
Sequencing Platform Illumina MiSeq or HiSeq Illumina MiSeq or HiSeq Illumina MiSeq
Cancer Types Assayed Single gene panel assay for multiple cancer types
19 distinct gene panels, each assays a specific cancer (organ) type Single gene panel assays multiple cancer types
Genes Covered 634 ≈150 – 400 48
Genomic Variation Detection
  • Point Mutations
  • Indels
  • Copy Number Variations (CNV)
  • Point Mutations
  • Indels
  • Rearrangements
  • Copy Number Variations (CNV)
  • Point Mutations
  • Indels
Target Regions ≈ 2 Mb, consisting of exons and targeted promoter regions ≈ 2 – 5.4 Mb, consisting of all exons, UTRs, and relevant intron regions ≈35 Kb, consisting of mutational hot spots
Average Depth >100x* > 100x* > 100x*
Target Enrichment Twist Targeted Enrichment Agilent SureSelect Targeted Enrichment Illumina Targeted Amplicon Sequencing
DNA Input > 100 ng > 100 ng > 250 ng
Sample Submission
  • FFPE thin sections (slides)
  • gDNA
  • Fresh, frozen samples
  • FFPE thin sections (slides)
  • gDNA
  • Fresh, frozen samples
  • FFPE thin sections (slides)
  • gDNA
*Additional depth of coverage is available by request.

Sample Submission Guidelines

Azenta accepts formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) thin sections (slides), purified genomic DNA, or fresh, frozen samples for Cancer Panel projects. For detailed sample submission requirements please visit our Sample Submission Guidelines page.


All customers receive their raw data as FASTQ files. Mutation discovery and customizable data analysis packages are available by request.

Technical Resources

Webinar| Non-Classical Sources of Tumour-Specific Antigen in Checkpoint Inhibitor Response

Developing immunotherapies for cancer can be difficult due to the variation of immune response from patient to patient. In this webinar, Dr. Litchfield from UCL Cancer Institute presents his team’s exploratory research using a multiomics approach to better understand the diversity of immune response to cancer and highlights their findings of an alternative source of a tumour-specific antigen in checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) response.



For information on our NGS platforms as well as recommended configurations of your projects, please visit the NGS Platforms page. Azenta does not guarantee data output or quality for sequencing-only projects.

10x Genomics

How To Order

Email | Phone 1-877-436-3949, Ext. 1