Oligos Retained for Sanger Sequencing
The GENEWIZ Oligos Retained for Sanger service is designed to synthesize, dilute, organize, and store your primers up to a year for use with future Sanger sequencing orders.
The GENEWIZ Oligos Retained for Sanger service is designed to synthesize, dilute, organize, and store your primers up to a year for use with future Sanger sequencing orders.
Primer Walking utilizes multiple primers in a series to sequence entire plasmids or PCR products. GENEWIZ Primer Walking service options include plasmid sequence confirmation for already known sequences and plasmid sequence discovery for unknown sequences.
Sanger Sequencing is a cost-effective method for determining the nucleotide sequence of DNA. GENEWIZ Sanger sequencing services provide high-quality results, industry-leading customer service and fast turnaround times at competitive prices.
GENEWIZ Dropbox frequently asked questions including service and DNA type, troubleshooting, and sample submission.
GENEWIZ Sanger Sequencing frequently asked questions including service and DNA type, troubleshooting, and sample submission.
Follow our Sample Submission Guidelines as closely as possible for the best Sanger sequencing results.
GENEWIZ offers a variety of free universal primers for Sanger sequencing.