Epigenomics | Epigenetic Sequencing
Epigenomics, also known as epigenetic sequencing, utilizes next generation sequencing (NGS) assays to analyze the epigenome of many organisms rapidly and thoroughly.
Epigenomics, also known as epigenetic sequencing, utilizes next generation sequencing (NGS) assays to analyze the epigenome of many organisms rapidly and thoroughly.
Metagenomic sequencing is the collective analysis of all genomic material present in a sample (containing mixed microorganism communities), thus eliminating the need for isolating and cultivating individual organisms.
Targeted sequencing is a technique that uses next generation sequencing to target specific genes, coding regions of the genome, or chromosomal segments for rapid identification and analysis of genetic mutations.
High-throughput genotyping is a next generation sequencing (NGS) assay ideal for ultra-sensitive, high-throughput, sample-to-answer genotyping projects, enabling validation of targeted CRISPR gene editing experiments.
Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is the comprehensive read and analysis of an entire genome, including non-coding regions of the genome.
GENEWIZ offers standalone next generation sequencing solutions for researchers who are equipped to perform NGS in their own labs but wish to outsource portions of their NGS workflow.
Amplicon sequencing is a targeted sequencing method that uses polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to selectively amplify specific DNA fragments or genomic regions of interest.
Whole exome sequencing is a powerful tool to investigate genetic variations underlying cancers, Mendelian diseases, and complex human disorders.
Single-cell sequencing provides transcriptional profiling of thousands of individual cells.
High-throughput gene expression (HT-GEx) screening is an optimal approach for drug discovery and analysis, similar to DRUG-Seq.